Bond Oversight Committee Meetings

The Citizen's Bond Oversight Committee is formed to review expenditures from construction activity associated with Measure GG, which was approved by District voters on November 6, 2018.  The Committee will be responsible for ensuring that bond revenues are used only as voters intended and for informing the public of bond expenditures. The Committee is required to meet at least one time per year, or more frequently as it deems necessary to fulfill its duty.  Committee members will be appointed by the Board to serve a two-year term.  A maximum of three consecutive two-year terms is allowed under the law.

Specificall, the committee has the following duties:

Inform the Public. The Committee shall inform the public concerning the District’s expenditure of bond proceeds. In fulfilling this duty, all official communications of the Committee to either the Board or the public shall come from the Chair acting on behalf of the Committee. The Chair shall only release information that reflects the consensus view of the Committee.  

Review Expenditures. The Committee shall review expenditure reports produced by the District to ensure that (a) bond proceeds were expended only for the purposes set forth in Measure GG; and (b) no bond proceeds have been used for teacher or administrative salaries or other operating expenses.

Annual Report. At least one time annually, commencing with the end of the first fiscal year in which any bond proceeds are expended, and continuing through the end of the fiscal year in which bond proceeds have been spent in full, the Committee shall prepare an annual written report, the findings of which shall be summarized to the Board in public session, which annual written report shall include the following:

(a) A statement indicating whether the District is in compliance with the requirements of Article XIIIA, Section 1(b)(3) of the California Constitution; and

(b) A summary of the Committee's proceedings and activities for the preceding year.

(c) Annual reports shall be posted on the District’s website in accordance with Sections 7 and 8 hereto.

The committee annual report, agenda, and meeting minutes can be found below
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