Measure GG Bond Projects

On November 6, 2018, the Borrego Springs Unified School District was successful under Measure GG in obtaining
District voters to issue up to $8,600,000 in general obligation bonds pursuant to a 55% vote in a bond election.

Measure GG bonds are Proposition 39 bonds, issued by the Borrego Springs Unified School District. The passage of
Proposition 39 in November 2000 amended the California Constitution to include accountability provisions.
Specifically, the District must conduct an annual independent performance audit to ensure that funds have been
expended only on specific projects listed as well as annual, independent financial audit of the proceeds from the sale
of the bonds until all the proceeds have been expended for facilities projects.

Upon the passage of Proposition 39, an accompanying piece of legislation, AB 1908 (Chapter 44, Statutes of 2000),
was enacted, which amended the Education Code to establish additional procedures which must be followed if a
District seeks approval of a bond proposition pursuant to the 55% majority authorized in Proposition 39 including
the formation, composition and purpose of the Citizens’ Oversight Committee, and authorization for injunctive relief
against the improper expenditure of bond revenues.

The Borrego Springs Unified School District Citizens’ Oversight Committee consist of the following members at



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