Charter School Oversight

The Borrego Springs Unified School District, in accordance with Education Code, has authorized and provides oversight to the following charter schools:

San Diego Workforce Innovation High School

What are charter schools?

Charter schools are independent public schools with operational freedom and flexibility. Charter schools, which are tuition-free and open to all students, may offer quality and choice in the public education system. The "charter" establishing each such school is a contract detailing the school's mission, program, goals, students served, methods of assessment, and ways to measure success. In California, charters are granted for five years. At the end of the term, the entity granting the charter ("authorizer") may renew the school's contract. Charter schools are accountable to their authorizer, and to the students and families they serve, to produce positive academic results and adhere to the charter contract. Like traditional public schools, charters receive state funding based on a formula for each child enrolled in the school.

What is charter school oversight?

The charter authorizing entity is responsible for ensuring the charter school operates in compliance with all applicable laws and the terms of its charter. Education Code Section 47604.32 identifies the duties of a charter authorizing entity. Specifically, the charter authorizing entity must:

  1. Identify at least one staff member as a contact person for the charter school.
  2. Visit each charter school at least annually.
  3. Ensure that each charter school under its authority complies with all reports required of charter schools by law.
  4. Monitor the fiscal condition of each charter school under its authority.
  5. Provide timely notification to the department if the charter is revoked or if the charter school will cease operation for any reason.

In addition to the oversight responsibilities described above, "supervision" includes providing the charter school with general guidance and assistance on various issues, such as funding and compliance. A charter school may opt to contract with its charter authorizing entity or other sources to provide additional services such as administrative, insurance, maintenance, payroll, etc., on a fee-for-service basis.

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